Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011


On our last trip to the Oregon coast we visited a clam ranch.  It was kind of boring but we noticed that Greyhound had a branch line running there. 


We thought it might be a good idea to install "tracking" devices on our fleet of trucks so we could keep track of everybody. We thought the drivers probably wouldn't mind.  About the only change we have seen, since installing them, is that we have had a rash of flat tires in the managment parking lot. For some reason the valve cores work their way out of the valve stem and must fly out going down the road because we can never find them. We might have to rethink this.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


I asked her if she needed a ride home.  She said "No thanks, my parents are picking me up.  They are running a little late due to the flash flood and high water."  After she said that, I noticed my new Packard being swept away in the torrent below us.  I told her that I might need a ride home.  She said that her parent's car was very small and there wouldn't be any room for an extra passenger.  It was then that I realized our relationship was on the rocks.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Let's see..........they should come down right about here..........I think.  Due to budget cut backs in our program, we're going to be using one of our older ships for the recovery.  It's name is the USS YO HO HO.  I hope the crew hasn't eaten all of the food on board the spacecraft because it could take some time for the YO HO HO to get to them.  When they do, they're going to be hungry and thirsty and all they have aboard that ship to eat and drink is something in buckets that looks like Silly Putty and about 200 bottles of Rum.  On the other hand, we might not see any of them for a while.  Maybe not until all the Rum is gone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


They didn't know where the train had come from or where it was going.  It just felt good getting aboard.

Monday, September 5, 2011


Well, finally got it up on wheels. I noticed the shadow of me on the sidewalk, when I took this picture, kinda' makes me look like one of the aliens in Close Encouters.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


It has been widely reported that the Lay Low Don is dead.  The end came on an icy and remote moutain road.  The Don had stopped by the side of the road to take...uh.....uh....take in the view.  A new style hit man, recruited by the mob, approached the Don's car from the rear and did the job he was hired to do.  The only information about the "eater" is that he's from the San Francisco bay area and goes by the name Packo Whacko.  Some skiers, who had stopped on the other side of the road to take in the view, took a snap shot of the final moments.  Packo spotted them and bounced over to where they were and said he would not harm them if they gave him every quarter they had on them.  Investigators at the scene said there was not much left.  Part of a chauffer's hat and three spark plugs was all they could find. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Things were lookin' a little shady, but I knew The Shadow was "on it".