As I was settling back in my car, after picking up a large Coke and fries, I heard and felt a big crunch. A well-dressed lady in a '52 Olds convertible had backed into me. She pulled ahead and stopped, then threw it in reverse, floor boarded it and hit me again. The large Coke by now was all over my seat and floor mats; fries were everywhere. As she pulled ahead again and threw it in reverse, I realized that this was no accident. By the look on her face she seemed to be enjoying this. It was not my ex-wife or an old girlfriend and she was too young to be my 9th grade English teacher who said to me one time that someday she would 'get me'. Again another ferocious crunch. My glasses had been knocked off and the radio was up full blast. I was not looking real cool. As she pulled ahead and started to drive away she extended her right arm as high as it would go and made an obscene gesture. I thought, well, maybe I resembled HER ex. With my hood halfway up and steam coming from the radiator, I slowly drove home. Man! What a day. And I was still hungry.
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