Friday, October 26, 2012


Been playing around with layout and color.


The headline conveys the national sentiment at this time. Strong, angry and forcefull. A very different country then.


My wife came into "my room" this morning and said somebody ought to take a picture of this. I said "I will. I'll straighten 'er up a little and..........."     She said "No, just the way it is. Who do you think you'll be fooling?" As usual, she was right. So here it is. I've got all the space I need to spead (spead?...I meant spread) this all out but seem to end up in this little space.

As with most of you, I pretty much know where everything's at in this chaos.

One good thing that came out of this "photo shoot" was that I found my wristwatch that, mysteriously(sic), had come up "missing" a few days ago.